How to generate gmail avatars by PHP?
Have you ever challenged the task to generate default avatars similar as gmail does? If yes, then I could guess that you used some HTML/CSS/JS solution.
In this article I would like to tell how to generate gmail avatars (or other avatars) with PHP. So, just a back-end solution!
At first! You don’t need to create your own bicycle!
The one is created already, please check this composer package:“gmail-logo/generator”.
This package allows you to generate images like this:
To install the package run this:
composer require gmail-logo/generator
To generate gmail avatars you may do things like this:
$avatar = new Generator('Abby', [75, 175], Font::ROBOTO_REGULAR);
return $avatar
->setBackgroundColor(150, 150, 100)
The documentation is here:
Relevant links: