I work with Laravel 5 years, and I completely disagree, Containers, Facades and other stuff - is hard in understanding, that is true, but they are really useful.
Laravel - has strict area, where this framework is good: web applications, REST APIs. There is no reasons to use it in another areas..
So, I don't believe that we should away from Laravel, at least right now I don't see another frameworks which can be better in web development.
Every framework and language has area where it is best. PHP is good in web development, Laravel is also. So, there is no point, to say, that this tool is worse and another tool is better.. It is better to say: this tool is better in this, and this tool is better in this..
In this article I see no proofs at all, so every point about composer, laravel and other stuff is just how the author things, but where proofs?
If Laravel is so bad what we can use instead?